Things happen. Things that are rather unforeseen. One such thing happened to me. So I have had this lapse in time from writing as I have said. Little by little I have begun working on the Batso story- and of course I realize I could have started it out differently so that the ending would be as I like to call "full circle." But that is the nature of the beast- that we realize how to make things better by trial and error, and by thinking about it. Or as the story comes together- binds itself tighter... begins to take form, shape- This also happened with me about the novel. I had the dream like I said and have been desperate in my attempts to recapture it. Yet, nothing has really come to mind. I was subbing today and an idea struck me this thin, bit of a memory from the dream. And suddenly I saw the main character- lying on a makeshift bed- about to give birth. I saw her features. Saw pieces of her life. And I began to write. So now this beast has taken me on a trip- and I am not sure how or if the two pieces will be able to come together. The other piece I am referring to is the parts that I wrote on this blog stating it was part of the novel. I think it can be done- glued together, but it needs to be done with precision and accuracy. Not to mention style. I think I may hold off on writing stuff on here until the finished product is complete. Then I will post things in parts- as I have been doing. I say this because I hate finishing something and realizing its missing an ingredient. The best way I can explain this is that when you're cooking a pie- and you realize you missed the sugar, well you know the pie is gonna suck. And that's how I feel about my work even on here. Albeit I don't always proof read thoroughly but its not the same. The proof reading is the whip cream on the pie...the final touches... unless its horrible it doesn't take away from the meat of the story. So tonight I will try to type the rest of the story for Batso- make corrections to the beginning of it...
Oh and while day dreaming I had another story idea... it will also take place in the early 1900s in a village similar to Batso. I will post that today too... I am very excited about it.
I was thinking in conjuction of discussing my work on here- I would also like to share what I am reading and post reviews of it. Everything I read affects me- either personally and/or my work as well. I love reading a good piece of literature that can touch my heart- but also makes me envy the prose. I suppose that's of the many reasons I want to become a teacher... Anyway... I am currently reading Paint it Black by Janet Fitch. I love her style... highly recommend her. I should get to typing up the stories... ciao.
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