Monday, March 21, 2011

Possible intro

Just got to writing... this is where it took me:

Suddenly I began to see them, see them on everyone. At first, it was just me. My boyfriend thought I was crazy. He would say, “Stop it! Stop looking! It’s all in your head!” I began to doubt myself. Until I noticed another, and then another. I began to cut them out of my skin, one by one, millimeter by millimeter. They were never very big, about the size of a pencil point, some even half that size, but they were there. I tell you that much. I started to count them. Started to log them. I kept cutting, researched these spots, but no computer can diagnose a person, believe it or not. I began to think I was dying. I spent hours staring at my body, examining it, collecting data, and analyzing. Furtively, I would search his face every available moment. More collecting, more logging, more memorizing. 

And even more suddenly, I observed a single, solitary red spot on my mother’s arm. 


  1. This is the greatest example of the advice "Write about what you know" I can think of. I guess this sounds like the conversation about my intro I had with the Mr. I like the tone of the narrator, like madness meets analytical.
